Nature of Mankind as mentioned in the BOOK from the one, who created the MAN.
Sûrah an Nisa 4.28'
... man has been created weak (in resolution).'
Sûrah Younas 10.12'
For when affliction befalls man, he cries out unto Us, whether he be lying on his side or sitting or standing, but as soon as We have freed him of his affliction, he goes on as thought he had never invoked Us to save him from the affliction that befell him! Thus do their own doings seem goodly unto those who waste their own selves.'
Sûrah Hûd 11.9,10'
And thus it is; if We let man taste some of Our grace and then take it away from him.. behold, he abandons all hope, forgetting all gratitude.' 'And thus it is; if We let him taste ease and plenty after hardship has visited him, he is sure to say, 'Gone is all affliction from me!' - for, behold, he is given to vain exultation, and glories only in himself.'
Sûrah Ibrahim 14.34'
... behold, man is indeed most persistent in wrongdoing (given up to injustice), stubbornly ingrate!'
Sûrah al Isra 17.11'
As it is, man prays for things that are bad as if he were praying for something that is good, for man is prone to be hasty (in his judgment).'
Sûrah al Isra 17.67'
...for indeed, bereft of all gratitude is man.'similar content in Sûrah 22.66; 42.48; 43.15; 100.06
Sûrah al Kahf 18.54'
...however, man is, above all else, always given to contention.'
Sûrah al Anbiya 21.37'
Man is a creature of haste...'
Sûrah an Na'îm 53.39'
And that naught shall be accounted unto man but what he is striving for.'
Sûrah al Ma'arij 70.19'
Verily, man is born with a restless disposition (impatient).'
Sûrah al 'Abasa 80.17'
Man destroys himself, how stubbornly does he deny the truth!'
Sûrah al Balad 90.4'
Verily, We have created man into pain, toil and trial.'
Sûrah at Tin 95.4'
Verily, We create man in the best conformation (mould/form).'
Sûrah al Asr 103.2'
Verily, man is bound to lose himself (at a loss).
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